New National Medical Training Survey Opens Today The AMA is urging all doctors in training to share the positives and negatives of their medical training experiences by taking the new national Medical Training Survey (MTS), which opens today and will run until 30 September 2019. AMA President, Dr Tony Bartone, said the MTS in an important opportunity for Australia’s 30,000 doctors in training to tell medical educators, employers, governments, regulators, their peers, and the next generation of medical students what to expect with medical training, and how it can be improved. It is open from 1 August to 30 September 2019, in line with the annual registration renewal cycle for most trainees. Dr Bartone said the survey is based on existing surveys and includes questions about supervision, access to teaching, workplace environment, and culture and wellbeing. “The MTS will identify issues that could impact on patient safety, including environment […]