Current Topics and Trends in Australian Healthcare

Season’s Greetings from the Australian Patients’ Association!

Wishing all patients a season filled with hope, health, and happiness, and remembering that you are not alone on this path; together, we are stronger. Here’s to a brighter and healthier new year ahead!

The Patient POV Survey report

‘The Patient POV’ a new survey by the Australian Patients Association and Healthengine shows that recent trends of financial stresses in the healthcare system have become widespread, with potential major population impacts caused by people delaying and missing out on their own healthcare, as well as having poor knowledge of reforms designed to solve these problems. Cost of Living pressure is impacting healthcare decisions with nearly three in four (73%) respondents either delaying or skipping care.

  • 59% respondents report delaying a GP visit, with the primary reason being cost.
  • 33% postponed a diagnostic test or scan in the last six months due to associated out-of-pocket costs.
  • 28% skipped their prescription medication due to cost concerns.
  • Australians are delaying seeking mental health support. 27% of respondents are delaying that support for financial reasons.
  • 59% respondents reported delaying dental treatment.
  • 43% reducing their allied health appointments due to cost concerns.
  • 27% are choosing Emergency Departments for non-emergency care to avoid out-of-pocket costs.

A copy of the report can be downloaded here.

Helpline supporting people with rare and complex conditions

The Albanese Government has delivered on another election commitment, with around two million Australians diagnosed with a rare or complex health condition now able to call a dedicated helpline that provides vital information and support that fits their needs. The RARE Helpline can be accessed by calling 0499 549 629 or by visiting For more information, read the Media Release dt 18 December by clicking here.

Pain management videos from Amelio Health

Is pain your everyday companion? You’ve tried it all, but the pain remains? Amelio Health have made some videos available over the holiday period, at no charge, for people who are suffering from chronic pain. These videos are part of their overall pain management program, and if pain is an unwanted and everyday companion, we hope you will find value in them. Click here for some support over the Christmas break, because we know pain doesn’t take a holiday.

Thinking about cosmetic surgery? New standards will force providers to tell you the risks and consider if you’re actually suitable

People considering cosmetic surgery – such as a breast augmentation, liposuction or face lift – should have extra protection following the release this week of new safety and quality standards for providers, from small day-clinics through to larger medical organisations. The new standards cover issues including how these surgeries are advertised, psychological assessments before surgery, the need for people to be informed of risks associated with the procedure, and the type of care people can expect during and afterwards. The idea is for uniform standards across Australia. To know about what is changing according to the new standards, read the full article published in The Conversation on 15 December by clicking here.

Landmark Study Shows Antibody Therapy Controls 92% of Severe Asthma Cases

Safer relief for people suffering from severe asthma is a step closer with a large clinical trial finding a monocolonal antibody treatment called benralizumab can radically reduce the need for more dangerous high-dose steroid treatments. Click here to access the full article published on ScienceAlert dt 13 December 2023.

DecemBeard or Decembhair

Bowel Cancer Australia’s hair-raising fundraiser encouraging you to get hairy while raising awareness and funds to help beat bowel cancer. Face, head, legs, body – if it’s hair – let it grow or let it go! Visit the event website by clicking here.

Click here to Support APA to advocate on behalf of patients by making a tax deductable donation. Have a story to tell, Click here.