Current Topics and Trends in Australian Healthcare
Register for free Webinar on 5 June on Patient’s Rights
The Australian Patients Association and Slater and Gordon Lawyers are pleased to provide a free webinar on the topic Patient’s rights – When things don’t go to plan on Wednesday 5 June. This session will discuss the rights patients have to information and provide explanations when medical treatment they receive does not go to plan. The right to receive an explanation, hospital documents, medical records and compensation will be examined. Click here to register.
Webinar Recording: Low Value Care – Challenges and ways forward
In a Healthcare system where every dollar counts, low value care has been an ongoing issue of concern. Costly procedures with relatively low success rates have most recently been in the news through the controversial Four Corners investigation into spinal surgery with widespread additional media coverage. The APA held a free informative webinar on 16 May to discuss the challenges of Low Value care, its impact on the healthcare system, and to reflect on pathways forward. The event was facilitated by APA Health Reform Ambassador Dr Nick Coatsworth with special guests Ian Harris, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, UNSW Sydney and Ms Kylie Woolcock, CEO, AHHA. In case you couldn’t attend, here is a recording that recaps everything we covered.
Australian Healthcare Index Survey
To those who completed the survey, thank you for your responses and we appreciate your time. The survey had a strong response, and the findings will be published in July. As we look to share findings of the survey, patients like you willing to share your story in the media contribute to influencing industry decision-makers in the fight for a more sustainable healthcare system. Please fill out the form if you are interested in sharing your story across radio, television, print or online media outlets by clicking here.
APA Expresses Concern Over Ban on Compounded Weight Loss Drugs, Calls for Immediate Government Action to Secure Supply
The government will ban compounding pharmacies from producing replicas for weight loss drugs Ozempic and Mounjaro from 1st October after a Four Corners investigation found a registered Australian pharmacist was running an international pharmaceutical racket manufacturing replica Ozempic and illegally exporting it to the United States. Expressing concern over the ban APA CEO David Clarke said, “While respecting and supporting the intent behind prioritizing patient safety and regulatory compliance, we are critically concerned about the government’s current inability to successfully secure a stable supply to the Australian market of these essential medications from manufacturers Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly”. To read the Media Release click here.
Patients Awards Night
Tickets are on sale for the most awaited APA Gala Dinner and Awards Night, proudly sponsored by Cannatrek Foundation Ltd, to be held on 25th July at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, Grand Ball Room, recognising the excellence in healthcare industry. Click here to book your tickets through trybooking before they are sold out.
Access to public dental care services
Public dental care services are available to some of the Australians, and you need to be eligible to access public dental care. However, the waiting time to get treatment can be very long, sometimes years. For information on who is eligible for public dental care in each state and territory, click here.
Know Plan Go
Know if you have a high-risk factor for severe COVID-19. Be ready with a plan. And, if you have COVID-19, act fast. High-risk factors can increase your chances of getting very sick from COVID-19. That’s why setting a plan now and acting fast if you test positive or if you’re feeling COVID-19 symptoms is important. While COVID-19 is no longer top-of-mind for many, it can still cause serious illness, and may lead to hospitalisation. COVID-19 still poses a threat, but antiviral medicines can help prevent serious illness if you test positive. For more information visit
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