Above image: A screenshot of the PainChek pain assessment app. According to a paper titled Pain Management in the Elderly Population: A Review published in The Ochsner Journal in 2010, pain may be underreported because some elderly patients incorrectly believe that pain is a normal process of aging. In addition, caregivers and relatives are often the most reliable source of information. However, assessing pain levels is usually not straightforward – it can be subjective and inaccurate. To address this challenge, Australia-based company PainChek has developed the world’s first smart phone-based pain assessment and monitoring app. Philip Daffas, CEO of PainChek shares with MobiHealthNews about the origins of the app, regulatory developments for the app in different markets and his plans for the company in 2020. Could you share with us about the origins of PainChek? How did the idea of using facial recognition analytics to assess pain come about? […]
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