Media Release dt 24/9/2024

Australian Patient’s Association calls on Barr Government to match Liberals promise to end the GP Tax and introduce other healthcare reforms

The Australian Patients Association (APA) today welcomed the Canberra Liberals’ election commitment to improving access for ACT patients to general practice and primary care.

The ACT has amongst the highest costs and lowest availability of general practice services in Australia.

APA CEO David Clarke said today “the APA strongly supports the removal of the GP payroll tax introduced in 2024 by the Barr Government.  This ‘GP tax’ which has recently been rolled out around Australia adds to out of pocket costs for everyone, and creates an unnecessary barrier to access for lower-income patients.”

“The APA calls on the Barr Government to match the Canberra Liberals’ commitment and repeal the GP payroll tax immediately.”

“The APA also views the proposal to waive HECS debt for new GPs as an important step in addressing the current shortage of GPs in Canberra.”

“We also note the proposals for additional programs, such as the integration of GPs with walk-in centres, new walk-in-centres and expanded pharmacist roles.  Broadening primary care availability is likely to ensure better access for non-urgent, chronic and preventive health needs. The APA sees these measures as a positive step toward improving patient access to essential services and relieving pressure on the emergency departments of Canberra and North Canberra Hospitals. These are proposals worth matching by the incumbent government,” said Mr Clarke.

“We are encouraged by these policies which are aligned with the broader APA advocacy agenda of ensuring universal access to primary care with minimal out of pocket costs.”

“We welcome Labor’s commitments to attract and retain more healthcare staff, as well as initiatives for younger people. However, with over 40% of Canberrans reportedly delaying visits to their GP due to costs, there is a need for policies which have a more meaningful impact on healthcare equity by encouraging more timely and affordable access to primary care” he said.



David Clarke, Chief Executive Officer, 0416 156 923

Dr Nick Coatsworth, Ambassador for Health Reform, at