Minister for Health The Andrews Labor Government is backing Victoria’s world-leading researchers to make the breakthroughs that change lives with the latest round of the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund. Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos today announced applications open for the latest round of funding for evolving fields of medical research. Researchers in the early stage of their projects with an aim of translating their work into positive health and economic outcomes for Victoria are invited to apply. Now in its fourth year, the $3 million fund leverages matched support from philanthropic, industry and international sources. Since 2017, a total of 57 health and medical research projects have benefitted from $8.8 million in Labor Government funding with matched contributions of $14.6 million from the applicants. Last year, it supported 14 cutting-edge Victorian medical research projects including work at St Vincent’s Hospital on seizure-monitoring implants for epilepsy patients, a trial […]