What are they?
GP Management Plan (GPMP), Extended Care Plan and Team Care Arrangement (TCA)
If you have a chronic medical condition (one lasting more than 6 months), and your GP determines that you could benefit from a documented plan for your health, with your consent a GP Management Plan (GPMP) will be written.
- The appointment will be longer than a standard GP consultation to allow a thorough history and examination to be undertaken.
- The purpose is to create a time-limited and practical plan to improve your health.
- Both you and your GP should agree on the plan in order for it to be successful.
- You should be offered a copy of the plan, and a review date should be organised (the Department of Health recommends review every 6 months).
Your GP may suggest a Team Care Arrangement (TCA) to assist with the coordination of your care if your chronic medical condition requires input from two or more health providers in addition to your GP.
- This may allow you to access up to 5 allied health service appointments per year with a Medicare rebate.
- Your GP must determine which allied health services will directly impact your condition.
- For example, a patient with Type 2 Diabetes will likely benefit from seeing a dietician, an exercise physiologist, a diabetes educator and a podiatrist.
- Allied health services (and links to the MBS item number) that may be available to you with a Medicare Rebate under a GPMP/TCA:
- Please note that your GP must determine that the specific allied health service will be directly related to the management of your chronic medical condition.
- Patients with Type 2 Diabetes may be eligible (if assessed as eligible) for 8 group sessions per year with the following:
Both the GPMP and TCA can be written by your GP with the assistance of a practice nurse.
Who is eligible?
From the Department of Health:
- GPMP – “Patients who have a chronic or terminal medical condition, with or without complex care needs, and who would benefit from a structured care approach, are eligible for a GP Management Plan (GPMP) (MBS item 721) providing they are not a public in-patient of a hospital or a care recipient of a residential aged care facility. The item enables GPs to provide GP-only care planning services for eligible patients.”
- TCA – “Patients who have a chronic or terminal condition and complex care needs requiring ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team comprising their GP and at least two other health or care providers are eligible for a Team Care Arrangements (TCAs) service (MBS item 723), providing they are not a public in-patient of a hospital or a care recipient of a residential aged care facility.”
How does it help?
- Understanding how your condition is going to be managed, and coordination of your care among the different health workers looking after you.
- Assisting patients to be involved in goal setting and managing their chronic condition together with their GP.
- Access to a Medicare Rebate for a total of 5 appointments with relevant allied health services assists patients financially.
- You may still have an out of pocket expense for these appointments if the allied health practitioner charges above the MBS fee.
- Prior to your appointment, enquire directly to the service provider about out of pocket costs
Steps for you to take:
- Ask your GP if they consider you eligible for a GPMP or TCA.
- If you already have a GPMP or TCA in place, organise a review every 6 months, and make sure you understand the plans that are in place. If you feel that the plan is no longer relevant to you or your circumstances have changed, discuss this with your GP.
- If you have a carer, it can be helpful to involve them in discussing the plan with your GP, if you feel comfortable with this.