Medlab Clinical (MDC) has formally launched the NanaBis Observation Study in Australia NanaBis is a cannabis-based pain treatment drug and is also being used to investigate cancer pain management The study is looking to find 2000 patients to help assess the drug over 12 months On market close, Medlab is up 3.17 per cent and is trading at 32.5¢ apiece Medlab Clinical (MDC) has formally launched the NanaBis Observation Study in Australia. NanaBis is a cannabis-based pain treatment drug and is also being used to investigate cancer pain management. Human Ethics has approved the observational study to be assessed in real-world use. The study is looking to find 2000 Australian patients in a hospital or medical setting to assess the drug over 12 months. Out of the patients, Medlab expects approximately 700 of them will be diagnosed with cancer pain. Patients will be offered NanaBis at a reduced price […]