My Health Record is an online resource through MyGov that stores your health information to be used by healthcare professionals. As of January 2019, all Australians known to Medicare automatically had a My Health Record created for them, unless they opted out. Currently 9 in 10
Australians have a My Health Record and 10% of the population have opted out.

What are the benefits of My Health Record?

  • It can store information about your medicines, allergies, immunisations and treatments that may help health professionals care for you
  • In an emergency, your record can be accessed even if it is secured with a pin so that health care professionals can check medicines, allergies, treatments and medical conditions
  • It can assist you with remembering complex medical histories, long lists of medications and tests you have undertaken, particularly if you visit multiple health care professionals.
    If you have been discharged from hospital, your record can hold your discharge summary to help your regular doctors know what happened while you were in hospital, including changes to medications, treatments and tests
  • You can control what is on your record, and you can also control who has access (except for in emergency situations when access permissions can be overridden). Watch How to access your My Health Record to learn how to manage your record and who can
    access it.
  • You can also store your Advanced Care Plan, wishes about organ donation and emergency contacts
  • More detail is found on the government resource Health Direct

What are the concerns?

  • No online database is completely secure from hackers and data breaches
  • Your de-identified information may be used for research and pharmaceutical companies may be able to apply for de-identified data, see Big pharma can apply to access data.
  • There is some concern over de-identified information and the risks of it being re-identified. You can opt out of having your information used for secondary purposes such as research, see Choose how your data is used for research
  • Risks to your privacy
    • Police and government agencies can only access your record with a court order
    • Health insurers and employers cannot lawfully access your record, however some people are concerned about what might happen in the event of a data
    • Some people worry that certain medical conditions may lead to discrimination, see What we and others think of My Health Record from the Australian Privacy Foundation.
    • Parents can access records of their children aged under 14 year old, see Manage your record from age 14

What control do I have over My Health Record?

  • You can cancel your record at any time
  • You can put access passwords on your record, set up notifications when your record is accessed and view the access history.
    • A password can be overridden if the record is needed for an emergency or for law-enforcement
  • You can delete and add information to your record
  • You can ask your doctor not to upload certain information and documents to your record
  • See My Health Record: Your questions answered on cybersecurity, police and privacy from the ABC.

Should I cancel My Health Record?
At the APA we believe this is a personal decision that depends on your personal circumstances. We hope to provide you with information and resources to help you understand the benefits and risks. If you feel that the risks of My Health Record outweigh the benefits you can Cancel Your Record. If you are unsure, speak with your family and trusted healthcare professionals.

Further Information:
Office of The Australian Information Commissioner regulates your My Health Record information, and investigates data mishandling and complaints. Visit this page to make a complaint to the OAIC if you feel your My Health Record information has been mishandled or The Australian Privacy Principles have been breached.

Articles explaining the risks and benefits:
My Health Record: the benefits and risks explained from Financial Review
My Health Record system explained from Canstar
My Health Record: to opt in or out? The case for both sides from The Advertiser