The APA is the voice of and for Australian patients. Hearing the patients voice and their lived experience is vital to our success. This valuable input through patient surveys informs  the campaigns and lobbying which the APA undertakes on behalf of Australian patients.

We canvas the concerns and needs of Australian patients via our “Have Your Say” survey. The “Have Your Say” survey is the place where Australian patients can tell their story whether good, bad or indifferent. To tell us your experience and what matters to you visit Have Your Say 

We also canvas the needs and priorities of Australian patients via regular, ongoing national surveys.

The Australian Healthcare Index is an important ongoing tracking study produced by the Australian Patients Association and HealthEngine. The Australian Healthcare Index provides a pulse check on healthcare in Australia from patients’ perspectives and experiences. The report will be released annually and over time this healthcare report will track trends. The report provides learnings across the public and private healthcare ecosystem with primary and preventative care, Private Health Insurance (PHI), emergency departments, elective surgery, prescription medicine and more.

The latest survey report was released in August 2024.

To view the report and accompanying dashboard with survey findings, please visit Australian Healthcare Index

For questions about the report, please visit Contact Australian Healthcare Index

The Patient POV Survey report

‘The Patient POV’ a new survey by the Australian Patients Association and Healthengine shows that recent trends of financial stresses in the healthcare system have become widespread, with potential major population impacts caused by people delaying and missing out on their own healthcare, as well as having poor knowledge of reforms designed to solve these problems.

To access The Patient POV November 2023 special report that delves into timely topics affecting Australian patients, click here.