The Australian Patients Association Support Line helps patients and relatives every year, answering concerns and queries about any aspect of the Healthcare system.

The Support Line is primarily a signposting service, which will either directly advise you on how to resolve your problem, or put you in contact with the organisation you need to speak to. APA cannot provide clinical or medical advice. We can give general advice on non-clinical matters such as accessing medical records, living wills, how to complain, and how to interact with your doctor, dentist or other healthcare professionals.

The Support Line is a valuable resource to assist APA in monitoring and identifying trends in Healthcare in Australia. Patients stories and experiences assist APA in developing campaigns. We are, therefore, extremely eager to hear from you about the problems that you have experienced, even if our website answers your question.

By telling us your story or that of a relative or person you care about you are helping us to fight to improve things for patients now and in the future.

We are open between 9am and 5.00pm, Monday through Friday, and can be contacted on 03 9274 0788

If all of our Support Line Advisers are busy please feel free to leave a message and we will get back to you by the end of the next working day.

For information about what we can and cannot do for an aggrieved patient click here.