SafeScript allows Victorian doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists to view your prescription records for high-risk medications on a central database. These medications are considered high risk because they are addictive or can cause dependence. SafeScript was rolled out across Victoria between 2018 and 2019. It was designed to improve patient safety by providing prescribers with information to make more informed decisions about your medications. It can help prevent patients who are dependent on a prescription medication from visiting multiple doctors to receive medically unnecessary amounts of these medications, this is also known as “doctor-shopping”. This will also help prescribers to know when a patient requires assistance for potential medication dependence.
Which medications are recorded in SafeScript?
When you are prescribed or dispensed a high-risk medication in the community (ie. not in a hospital), information about the prescribing doctor, the dispensing pharmacy and the medication will be recorded for the following.
All schedule 8 medicines (Controlled drugs):
- This includes opioid analgesics, which are often prescribed for pain (eg. morphine and oxycodone)
- Some benzodiazepines, which might be prescribed for anxiety or sleeping problems (eg. alprazolam)
- Methadone, which might be prescribed for heroin dependence
Some schedule 4 medicines (Prescription only medicines):
- Other benzodiazepines (eg. diazepam)
- Other opioid analgesics (eg. codeine)
- Medication for ADHD and narcolepsy (eg. dexamphetamine)
The full list can be found here.
Who can access my prescription record?
Only doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists who are directly involved in caring for you are allowed to view details relating to your prescriptions in SafeScript. Each time your details are viewed, a log is created to ensure access is only by those who are permitted. There are penalties in place if unauthorised health professionals access your information. For more information regarding this, see SafeScript for patients and families.
Can I remove my record?
SafeScript information cannot be removed. This is different from MyHealthRecord in which you can opt-out.
Further help:
SafeScript Pharmaceutical Helpline – 1800 737 233
This is free and confidential, and appropriate if you have any concerns about SafeScript or your prescription medicine use.
A non-profit organisation that aims to reduce medication misuse in Australia.