A measles epidemic in Samoa which has killed 16 people has prompted a travel warning for Australians. File images. Credit: Getty A measles ‘state of emergency’ in Samoa has killed 16 people and infected more than 1100, prompting a warning for unvaccinated Australians travelling to the idyllic Pacific Island destination. The Samoan government has declared the month-long emergency, providing free immunisations as part of mass vaccination efforts in response to the epidemic. There have been 1174 confirmed cases of the disease since the outbreak started, mostly affecting babies and children. It is believed the country of 200,000 has a two-out-three immunisation rate. Play Video Cases of measles have soared across Australia. (Source: Sunrise) Cases of measles have soared across Australia. The federal government has advised Australians to "make sure your vaccinations are up to date before you go", with the Samoan government echoing the warning. About 98 per cent […]