Japhy Ryder / MEGA To say Sarah Hyland is awe-inspiring is an understatement. The Modern Family actress took to Instagram on Saturday to pen an inspiring and empowering message about body positivity and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Hyland shared a picture of herself wearing leggings, a sports bra and a sherpa sweatshirt but while to the world she might look completely put together, that wasn’t quite how the 28-year-old actress felt on the inside. "To my fellow #invisibleillness warriors. It’s ok to be insecure about your body. Just remember to check in with yourself at least once a day and say thank you. Our bodies have endured unfathomable feats that our minds barely have time to comprehend what has actually happened," Hyland wrote on Instagram . "With inflammation, excess water gain, and medications, my skin has a hard time bouncing back. I saw this picture and HATED […]