News With barriers to early detection, the RACGP has developed a learning activity to better support GPs in diagnosis and management of silicosis. Silicosis can often be difficult to detect, given the many patients presenting to their GP with respiratory conditions. In February this year the Federal Government, in collaboration with the Lung Foundation Australia, launched the National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions , with the aim to accelerate diagnosis and improve treatment for Australians living with lung disease. The action plan’s $4 million funding is opportune, given the recent resurgence of diagnoses of the deadly lung disease silicosis. WorkSafe Victoria has this week introduced new regulations banning dry-stone cutting of engineered stone, in a bid to significantly reduce workers’ exposure to deadly silica dust and protect them from risk of developing silicosis. Victorian Minister for Workplace Safety Jill Hennessy said the regulations would prevent workers from the […]