News RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon said separating mental and physical treatments ‘seems entirely counterproductive’. More than 700 people have now signed Dr Gillian Riley’s petition to stop the compliance push, which many GPs fear will stop them from treating a patient holistically. RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon has criticised the compliance push, backed by many of Australia’s vocal and high-profile GPs. ‘Requiring GPs to see patients for a mental health issue one day and their physical health issue the next day seems entirely counterproductive,’ he told newsGP . ‘Many patients have both physical and mental medical concerns and it’s entirely within the scope of general practice to treat the whole person.’ The issue stems from the Department of Health’s (DoH) latest ‘nudge’ letter, sent last week to 341 GPs who the DoH believes have been overbilling mental health items alongside normal GP consultation items. Under Medicare Benefit Schedule […]