News Heightened human biosecurity measures will include private interviews with travellers from Wuhan who are unwell. (Image: AAP) In addition to issuing precautionary advice , NSW Health has made novel coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) a notifiable disease under the Public Health Act , meaning doctors and laboratories must report any suspected cases. GPs have been asked to collect nasopharyngeal, nasal, and throat swabs from suspected cases, and undertake testing for alternative causes as soon as possible, in particular for respiratory viruses using multiplex PCR [polymerase chain reaction] if available. Dr Jeremy McAnulty, Director of Health Protection at NSW Health, said advice is also being provided to travellers who may have already returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus originated, as it can take up two weeks for symptoms to develop. ‘Symptoms of the virus include a fever with respiratory symptoms such as a cough, sore throat or […]