What we can do to help aggrieved patients:
- We listen to patients’ problems
- We care for patients
- We support patients
- We educate and inform patients
- We advise patients of their rights
- We offer free legal advice or consultation via law firms
- We may be able to provide patient advocacy to attend meetings
- We may offer alternative advice, possible solutions or a second opinion
- We provide members with a comprehensive (self-help) Members Handbook
- We can be your VOICE and raise your concerns in the media or amongst our members and extensive network
- We can refer matters to the Health Complaints Commission (HCC) or the Department of Health or with politicians and Ministers
What we can’t do to help aggrieved patients:
- We can’t offer medical or clinical advice
- We can’t direct hospitals what to do
- We can’t tell doctors and other healthcare professionals what to do
- We are not medically trained staff
- We have NO statutory powers