Hospital in the Home services

Hospital in the Home (HITH) is care service provided to patients in their own home, or outside hospital. Patients are still treated as a ‘hospital’ patient and are still treated by their hospital doctor. The medical or healthcare professionals caring for the patient include nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.

Patients may be offered the choice to be cared for outside of hospital if their treating medical team believes they can be treated safely at home.

Not all public or private hospitals, provide ‘Hospital in the Home ‘.

Websites for further information on the Hospital in the Homes services offered by public hospitals in each state are available here:

Victoria Hospital in the Home services – Better Health Channel

New South Wales Hospital in the Home (HITH) – Performance ( and Adult and Paediatric Hospital in the Home Guideline (

Queensland Hospital in the home | Queensland Health

Tasmania. At the time of writing (30th August 2021) Tasmania did not have a statewide Hospital in the Home service for patients.

South Australia. More information on the Hospital in the Home service provided by public hospitals in South Australia is available here. My Home Hospital | SA Health

Western Australia. For information on which hospitals offer Hospital in the Home or In Home Care patients can search for a suitable hospital on the Western Australian Government website Home | Western Australian Government (

Australian Capital Territory. Information on Hospital in the Home services in the ACT are available here Hospital in the Home (HITH) | Health (

Northern Territory. At the time of writing (30th August 2021) the NT did not have a Hospital in the Home service.

Not all private hospitals offer a Hospital in the Home service and not all health funds cover Hospital in the Home care.

APA recommends patients talk to their private health fund to find out what their insurance covers.